About clearthepath

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So far clearthepath has created 36 blog entries.

Letting Go of FOMO – Cryptocurrency Investing

Fear of missing out, or FOMO, is a common emotion that can drive investors to make impulsive decisions. In cryptocurrency investing, FOMO can lead to buying assets experiencing a sudden price surge, even if the investor doesn't fully understand the underlying technology or the long-term prospects of the asset. This can [...]

2023-01-04T22:17:09+00:00January 4th, 2023|

2000 days of Cold Showers

Tomorrow morning when I step into the shower, I will have been on a journey of only cold showers for 2000 days. It’s something that I never thought would happen, and even to this day, I am surprised that I am still here, turning that tap to the end. It’s taught [...]

2022-11-22T21:30:30+00:00November 22nd, 2022|

World Changing Leadership

What is the key to leadership that changes the world? There are so many books about becoming a better leader. I have read many myself. When I started my first business 18 years ago, I read everything there was about leadership. I must have read about 100 books on leadership and [...]

2023-01-12T09:41:06+00:00April 21st, 2019|

An insight into Somato-Emotional Release Therapy

Emotions play a huge role in our lives, but often they can take themselves off on a joy ride - even if we're expecting a relaxing countryside jaunt! It's hard not to be affected when our emotions become unregulated. From anxiety to depression, OCD to panic attacks, it can cause a [...]

2018-06-27T14:02:00+01:00June 18th, 2018|

5 ways in which Mindfulness helped me become a better leader

I have worked as a business leader in a variety of industries for nearly 15 years. This has been long enough to help me combine early academic learning on management and leadership theory with the experience that often challenges theoretical knowledge and always brings fresh perspectives to 'established thinking'. I had [...]

2018-06-18T15:48:41+01:00June 18th, 2018|

A guide to Emotional Release Meditation Techniques

 Why emotional release meditation? Your inner emotions have a huge impact on your current emotional well-being. Negative feelings acquired from difficult experiences in the past leave us with fear, anger, guilt and anxiety that make us unbalanced and trapped. This inner unrest will have an impact on your life – [...]

2018-03-23T06:43:20+00:00February 18th, 2018|

Book Review – Emotional Clearing – John Ruskan

I have known for a while that I wanted to communicate the mechanism of emotional release to a global audience but it was Emotional Clearing by John Ruskan that really sealed it for me. I knew after having read the book that I would focus my passion on relaying this knowledge [...]

2018-02-28T15:40:55+00:00December 8th, 2017|

The Key to Parenting

Emotional release and letting go allows you to have greater power over yourself, your emotions and even your external circumstances. It enables you to take greater responsibility in parenting by dealing with the root cause behind any experience. From the perspective of this article, this is your suppressed, repressed and unprocessed [...]

2018-02-28T15:42:27+00:00November 13th, 2017|

How Emotions Effect our Bodies

  Whether it occurs because of an injury, a systemic disease or a chronic illness, we all experience pain at some time or another. Whilst some types of pain appear to have a distinct physical cause, pain can sometimes seem to appear out of nowhere. Often, niggling discomfort can occur for [...]

2018-02-28T15:47:50+00:00October 17th, 2017|

The Many Forms of Emotional Release Therapy

If you haven't heard of it already, emotional release can play a defining role in helping you to overcome feelings of anxiety, depression, stress and psychological pain. In many cases, where these symptoms and illnesses are showing, it may not even be obvious that emotions are at the root of the [...]

2018-02-28T15:48:56+00:00October 17th, 2017|

A Guide to Using Emotional Release in your Everyday Life.

Utilising emotional release in your everyday life If you have been suffering from mental health conditions, from anxiety to depression to post-traumatic stress, you have no doubt been researching many different treatment options to try and overcome the challenging associated symptoms. If you go to your doctor's surgery, they will typically [...]

2018-02-28T15:50:04+00:00October 12th, 2017|

How to Release your Feelings – Part 2

How to Release your Feelings - Part 2 In part 1 we worked with a method which was reactive. When emotions or feelings appeared, we embraced them and allowed them to be as they are. The method I will write about here is more proactive. This form of emotional release involves [...]

2018-02-28T15:51:06+00:00August 22nd, 2017|

You Are Always Responsible for How You Feel

‘I don’t suppress emotion, I always express it’, ‘I say how I feel’. I hear this many times especially from people who often project their emotions onto others. I have also been guilty of this many times myself. We think that by expressing our emotion we are free from it and [...]

2018-02-28T15:53:46+00:00June 21st, 2017|

Using Feelings and Emotions as a Guidance Mechanism

Feelings and emotions are nature’s guidance mechanism. They are there to tell us whether our thoughts are in line with the highest truth. They tell us about our perception and whether it is in line with truth or not. In fact, any feeling is immediate feedback about our perception of the [...]

2018-02-28T15:54:45+00:00June 13th, 2017|

COURAGE AND FREE WILL, Turning Adversity into Victory

In April 2016 I travelled to Paris to attend Dr Joe Dispenza’s Progressive Workshop with my mentor and had a thoroughly meaningful experience: learning more about neuroplasticity and encountering a new perspective on psychosynthesis, a lifelong aspiration in my journey of Self-discovery. Therefore, when I became aware of the Advanced Workshop [...]

2018-02-28T15:56:39+00:00June 12th, 2017|

Letting Go and Synchronicity in the Australian Sun

It is August of 2016. I am in the process of attaining my Permanent Residency in Australia, after handing in all the documentation, fulfilling all the government criteria and jumping through far too many hoops. It is now in the hands of the universe. I surrender and release as there is now no [...]

2017-12-15T11:19:24+00:00May 31st, 2017|

Shining the Light on our Subconscious Feelings

I found the article ‘The Importance of Honesty in Letting Go” a very honest and revealing article about feelings and attitudes that so often we are unaware of holding us back. So I looked at my own thoughts and feelings about my past. I realised, although I walked away from a [...]

2018-02-28T15:58:21+00:00May 8th, 2017|

The Importance of Honesty in Letting Go

Over the past few weeks I have noticed that one of the keys in any form of letting go is honesty. This was something that I knew intellectually but as you work with the deeper aspects of yourself you begin to understand that the more honest you are with yourself the [...]

2018-02-28T15:59:22+00:00May 2nd, 2017|

Healing my Back Pain through Emotional Release

Without the following experience, I may never have started my experiential journey of emotional release. Before then it was all intellectual. I had read that emotional release could cure illnesses, relieve muscular pain and other fascinating stories but to me these were just concepts. I had invested myself into those concepts [...]

2018-02-28T16:02:09+00:00April 7th, 2017|

Healing my Shoulder Pain through Emotional Release

For the past year and 3 months I have been carrying around a chronic shoulder injury. It came about after having fallen whilst ice skating. It was a sharp stabbing pain which I thought would go away within a few days. However, over the past 15 months the pain never disappeared. [...]

2018-02-28T16:03:18+00:00April 4th, 2017|

Allow your True Self to Shine Through

One of the main objections I hear from people about releasing their suppressed feelings is that they will become some kind of robot. They believe that releasing their negative feelings will mean they are just an automaton, a lifeless object acting like a software program from some deep dark area of the [...]

2017-12-15T11:58:02+00:00March 15th, 2017|
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